معارف اسلامی و الهیات::
اطاعت کامل
God demands perfect obedience, and Adam is now a rebel
As to the further nature of this covenant, our Standards teach-The promise of it was life, the condition of it perfect obedience, and the penalty of it death.
Thus, it is called the "covenant of works," because perfect obedience was its condition, and to distinguish it from the covenant of grace, which rests our salvation on a different basis altogether.
(2) That the condition of the covenant was perfect obedience is plain from the fact-(a) That the divine law can demand no less.
Since Adam forfeited for himself and his entire race the original promise of life upon the condition of perfect obedience, and incurred the penalty of death attached to disobedience, it follows that, if the old constitution is left without supplement or modification, man is lost.
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